
The Carthusian monks who chose a solitary life will be grateful to you for respecting their solitude. Regular mail is incompatible with their life, and even to their close relatives they rarely write. However, if you have any questions about a possible vocation to their life, you can write to one of the houses whose address you will find on the page « The Monasteries ».

If you are thinking about a vocation and you have difficulty contacting one of the houses of the Order or you do not know exactly where to go, send your mail to: vacations(Exclusive address for vocations; any message on another subject will not be answered). The information will be forwarded to the most appropriate house.

To give your reactions or express a wish concerning this website, you can write to the Webmaster of the site at the following address: contact_new You will not receive a reply (thank you for your understanding).

For historical and scientific questions, you can contact:

Alain Girard
Centre de Recherches Cartusiennes
30130 Pont-Saint-Esprit


Sylvain Excoffon
Université de Saint-Étienne

Particular prayer intentions?

We are sorry that we cannot offer you the possibility of a prayer intention box. Our site receives an average of 25,000 hits per month. This would be unmanageable. But you should know that Carthusians pray for everyone, always, as well as for the great intentions of the Church and the needs of the world. They do not need to know the details, which are known to God, Father of mercy.