Book 9


Ch. 1 Prologue
Ch. 2 Praise of Life in Solitude
Book 1 : The Cloister Monks
Ch. 3 The Cloister Monks
Ch. 4 The Keeping of Cell and Silence
Ch. 5 Occupations in Cell
Ch. 6 The Observance of Enclosure
Ch. 7 Fasting and Abstinence
Ch. 8 The Novice
Ch. 9 The Novice-Master
Ch. 10 Profession
Book 2 : The Lay Monks
Ch. 11 The Lay Monks
Ch. 12 Solitude
Ch. 13 Enclosure
Ch. 14 Silence
Ch. 15 Work
Ch. 17 The Novice
Ch. 18 Profession
Ch. 19 Donation
Ch. 20 The Formation of the Brothers
Book 3 : The Community
Ch. 21 The Daily Celebration of the Liturgy
Ch. 22 Of Life in Common
Ch. 23 The Prior
Ch. 26 The Procurator
Ch. 27 The Sick
Ch. 28 Poverty
Ch. 29 The Care and Administration of Temporal Goods
Ch. 30 Stability
Book 4 : The Order
Ch. 31 The Government of the Order
Ch. 32 The Canonical Visitation
Ch. 33 Conversion of Life
Ch. 34 The Function of our Order in the Life of the Church
Ch. 35 The Statutes Themselves
Book 5 : Rites and Acts of Carthusian Life
Ch. 36 Rites of Carthusian Life
Ch. 38 Election of a Prior
Book 6 : The Liturgical Seasons
Ch. 41 The Liturgy in our Order
Ch. 52 Liturgical Chant
Ch. 53 Ceremonies of the Community during the Divine Office
Ch. 54 Ceremonies for the Office in Cell
Book 9 : Sacraments and Suffrages
Ch. 62 The Sacraments
Ch. 65 Suffrages

Book 9 : Sacraments and Suffrages

Chapter 62

The Sacraments«»


  1. In the Sacrament of Penance, God, the Father of mercies, through the Paschal Mystery of his Son, reconciles us in the Spirit with himself, with the Church and with ourselves. We encourage all to have frequent recourse to this sacrament; for, by it, that conversion of the heart which is the basic aim of the monk becomes rooted in the mystery of the death and resurrection of Christ.
  2. The Prior must name and appoint several of the more discreet monks to hear the confessions of the others.
    Moreover, any member of the Order can, for the peace of his conscience, both validly and licitly confess to any priest who has legitimate faculties.
  3. We should avoid, as far as possible, hearing the confessions of those who are not members of our Order, and it is forbidden to hear the confessions of women (cf. 6.13).

Chapitre 65


Since we are members one of another it is fitting that we take upon ourselves in prayer the burdens of our brothers, and that we pray especially for :

  • Each Member of the Order
  • For our Superiors
  • For our Families and Benefactors
  • For the Universal Church and for the Order
  1. Although we offer many prayers for specific persons, we trust that all our prayers may, by the mercy of God, benefit first of all the universal Church, to the praise of the glory of God.