English Carthusian bibliography:
Early Carthusian Writings, St Bruno, Guigo I and Guigo II, Gracewing, 2009.
The Meditations of Guigo I: Prior of the Charterhouse, Liturgical Press, 1995.
Guigo II, Ladder of Monks and Twelve Meditations, Cistercian Publications Inc., 1981.
André Ravier, Bruno the Carthusian, Ignatius Press, 1995.
Bruno the Carthusian and his mortuary roll ; studies, text and translations ; edited by Hartmut Beyer, Gabriela Signori and Sita Steckel; Europa Sacra n° 16, Brepols, 2014.
Tim Peeters, When Silence Speaks, the spiritual way of the Carthusian Order, Darton-Longman-Todd, 2015.
Robin Bruce Lockhart, Halfway to Heaven, the hidden life of the sublime carthusians, Thames Methuen, 1985.
Listening to Silence, an anthology of carthusian writings, compiled by Robin Bruce Lockhart, Darton-Longman-Todd, 1997.
A Carthusian monk, The Spirit of place, Carthusian Reflections, Darton-Longman-Todd, 1998.
A Carthusian monk, The Wound of Love, a Carthusian Miscellany, Darton-Longman-Todd, 1994.
A Carthusian monk, They Speaks by Silence, Darton-Longman-Todd, 1996.
A Carthusian monk, The Prayer of Love and Silence, Darton-Longman-Todd, 2006
A Carthusian monk, Interior Prayer: Carthusian Novice Conferences, Darton-Longman-Todd, 2006.
A Carthusian monk, The Way of Silent Love : The BeatitudesCarthusian. Novice Conferences, Darton-Longman-Todd, 1998.
A Carthusian monk, Poor, Therefore Rich: Carthusian Novice Conferences, Darton-Longman-Todd, 1999.
A Carthusian monk, The Freedom of Obedience: Carthusian Novice Conferences, Darton-Longman-Todd, 1998.
Denis the Carthusian, Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Columba Press, 2013.
Denis the Carthusian, Vices and Virtues, Four Courts Press, 2009.
Dom Augustin Guillerand, The Prayer Of The Presence Of God, Sophia Institute Press, 2006.
A Priest, Report from Calabria: A Season with the Carthusian Monks, Ignatius Press, 2017.
William of St Thierry, The Golden Epistle: A Letter to the Brethren at Mont Dieu (The Works of William of St Thierry, vol. 4) (Cistercian Fathers), Cistercian Publications Inc., 1971.

DVD Saint Bruno, Père des Chartreux
Un film de Marc Jeanson. 50 min. (in French)
Request from :
Musée de la Grande Chartreuse
or :
Italian version available:
DVD San Bruno, Padre dei certosini
Request from:
Museo della Certosa, Serra San Bruno, Italia

DVD Une vie en Chartreuse: de la nuit du monde à la Nuit Pascale.
Réalisation: Les Ateliers des Forges. 49 min. (in French and Korean). English titles available.
Request from:
Musée de la Grande Chartreuse